Swing and Bang Club 【 S & B 】 - Safe Sex Club .....[我們都是友善、不甘於生活平凡,敢於面對自己所需的人]

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Author: Angie
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[Sky Team] Angie的第一次

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Post time 9-4-2016 21:57:00 | Show the author posts only
Angie! Welcome to S&B! Haha yes that was all our 1st experience in sharing bed, plus Mentor / Mentee fun too ...
Its exciting and hope we didnt distracted you and loki too much hahhaa
Hope to see you soon and we can chat a bit more! Maybe a massage? Haha
 Author| Post time 9-4-2016 22:03:54 | Show the author posts only
NaKata replied at 7-4-2016 11:25
Welcome to the club Angie.
Glad to hear you've had a great start to your experience at S&B.
Look for ...

Thanks NaKata! Just like what you've said when I first introduced myself in this forum..... I wish I had done this earlier
Wish to see you soon!
 Author| Post time 9-4-2016 22:05:35 | Show the author posts only
Grace replied at 7-4-2016 12:44
Hello Angie ~~ welcome to S & B!

好開心果日見到你呀! 你果然係一個好鐘意笑嘅女仔, 經常都笑咪咪 ...

Thank you Grace, 其實你都係呀! 遲d再見~! xx
 Author| Post time 9-4-2016 22:08:43 | Show the author posts only
panerai replied at 7-4-2016 15:35
Hello 我係阿pan  希望下次有機會起活動同你交流交流

Hello 阿pan~ 希望有機會見到你
 Author| Post time 9-4-2016 22:16:59 | Show the author posts only
Margo replied at 7-4-2016 16:01
Hi Angie

多謝Margo 下次見到一齊傾下計呀
 Author| Post time 9-4-2016 22:20:04 | Show the author posts only
Kowloon replied at 7-4-2016 20:35
Angie!!! 終於等到你的第一次喇

 Author| Post time 9-4-2016 22:25:05 | Show the author posts only
voooter replied at 8-4-2016 02:51
I don't remember saying hi...haha
When I first saw you I thought 你很有气质 If anything I would want ...

It was when you were eating in the living room, but anyways.. Wish to see you again very soon! xx
 Author| Post time 9-4-2016 22:34:07 | Show the author posts only
鹿叔叔 replied at 9-4-2016 08\"\"
成晚冇乜機會係 common room . 咁都好善用時間。支持妳。


Thank you,我會多d同大家係廳交流架啦~~真係 以為兩三個鐘既事結果完全唔止
 Author| Post time 9-4-2016 22:41:06 | Show the author posts only
Darth replied at 9-4-2016 22:00
Angie! Welcome to S&B! Haha yes that was all our 1st experience in sharing bed, plus Mentor / Mentee ...

No worries it's all goodMe too, hope to see you again soon
Post time 9-4-2016 23:37:36 | Show the author posts only
Angie replied at 9-4-2016 22:44
No worries it's all goodMe too, hope to see you again soon

For sure! Have a great weekend!
Post time 10-4-2016 12:00:05 | Show the author posts only
Angie replied at 9-4-2016 21:57
要多謝會長的安排..... (monkey cover eyes)

Post time 10-4-2016 12:40:20 | Show the author posts only
Angie replied at 9-4-2016 22:06
Thanks NaKata! Just like what you've said when I first introduced myself in this forum..... I wish ...

You're most welcome
Good to hear you're settling in well now.
I'm sure this is just the beginning of a wondeful journey
See you around soon!
Post time 10-4-2016 18:33:17 | Show the author posts only
Welcome Angie to the club ^^
Post time 10-4-2016 18:41:54 | Show the author posts only
Angie replied at 9-4-2016 21:41

我都nice to meet you定你先

Post time 6-6-2016 21:35:17 | Show the author posts only
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