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這個討論區的系統管理員和版面管理員會儘可能在第一時間內修改或移除任何有爭議性的文章, 然而管理人員不可能閱讀所有的文章, 因此討論區的文章內容不代表站方的言論或意見, 管理團隊不對網友所發表的文章內容負上任何法律責任.
Administrators and Managers of this forum will modify or remove any controversial article once it is identified. However, they can not prove read every articles posted in the forum, so the management team does not bear any liability on such article. Also, such article does not represent the standpoint of the board.
You must agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, threatening, sexual discrimination, legal violation or any related articles. The board may forbid your entry immediately, if you violate the above rules. (Your network service provider may also be sent a formal notification). The IP address of the person who post the article will be stored to prevent any further illegal action takes place.
You must agree to the board managers, system administrators and forum administrator has authorization to delete, modify, move or close any topic at any time. As a user you must understand that any information you provide will be stored in the database The database is only accessible to board management team, and will not be made public. However, it is not guaranteed to have no hacking attempt that may lead to data exposure.
This forum system uses cookie to store your personal information. The cookie does not contain any information you have type in, it is only for you to browse the forum more convenient. The e-mail address you provide is used only for confirming agree to these terms and your registration information.