Swing and Bang Club 【 S & B 】 - Safe Sex Club .....[我們都是友善、不甘於生活平凡,敢於面對自己所需的人]

Title: Rules in Activities / 活動中的規則 [Print this page]

Author: Chris    Time: 17-7-2010 00:21
Title: Rules in Activities / 活動中的規則
Swing and Bang Club (簡稱 S & B)以在保護人身和私隱安全的前提下,建立一個無男女情愛束縛的開心空間,當中集合的都是對性(Sex)有興趣的男女,
Swing and Bang Club (S&B)The aim of Swing and Bang Club(S&B) is to provide a space of fun
which is free from the bounds of love and commitment between men and women,
premised on the protection of personal safety andprivacy.
We gather people who are interested in sex, but do NOT guarantee any physical contact of or for anyone.

There are 5 principles to follow in our club's activities:

     Protect personal privacy
     Protect S&B, to ensure smooth operation of activities.
      Respect to each others, sustain peaceful atmosphere.
      No stress to others, or tempting others to transgress the bounds of the Club
      Hygiene and safety

     ***Infraction includes but not limits to the examples quoted below.
Please consider or consult the Chair to avoid misunderstanding.
1,要保護個人私穩 … (HP 2 - HP20  甚至即時取消資格 )
     Protect personal privacy (Deduct HP 2 - HP 20, or even immediate disqualification)
A. -在活動內出現的人,其身份是S & B 具資格的參加者,無論是一位身份普通的男女或是影視巨星,
Everyone attending the activities is equally a qualified participant of S&B.
An ordinary folk and a superstar are of equal standing in the Club, and there is no privilege to anyone.
  On the other hand, no one should talk behind others' back,
or inquire another person's identity. Please respect all qualified participants' privacy and their rights to enjoy.

B. -活動中談論話題禁止涉及私人事項,如自身工作類型、工作確切地域、住的區域、出沒地方、一切聯絡資料。
Conversation topics in the activities should NOT be related to private matters,
including participants' contact information,occupations, working / studying / living districts or where they usually visit etc.

C. -不能在活動內出示自己的私人物品給其他參加者(除得到會長同意)
Do not show your private belongings to others (unless the Chairman approves),
e.g. photos of your friends or family, identity documents, letters, laptop, any information in your mobile, medicine etc.

D. -於活動以外地方遇到會內男女,就算是參加活動的集合點,也不准做出相認的行為,靜待會長到來,才可以打招呼和交談。
You are NOT allowed to recognize each other if you meet anyone outside of the activity venue. Even if you meet someone at the meeting point of the activity, you should not talk to or recognize each other until the Chairman arrives.

E. -除有會長在場,參加者應獨立離開活動場地,離開後,應儘速遠離場地範圍,不應在附近流連等候,更不應相約離開。
You should leave the activity venue individually unless you are accompanied by the Chairman.  
Also, please leave the area immediately. You should not linger nearby, or even ask anyone to leave together.

F. -進入活動場地前,將所有可以卸下的飾物收起,例如手錶、頸鏈、耳環、手鏈等;
Please take off all accessories before entering the activity venue, such as watches, necklaces, earrings, bracelets etc.  
Also, you are not allowed to use or show any electronic devices unless the Chairman approves,
e.g. cameras,mobiles, laptops, tablets, electronic photo albums etc.

G. -如果是在會內認識的人士,不能交換聯絡資料,不能私下在會外作任何方式聯絡。
Exchange of personal contact information with people you acquainted in the Club is prohibited.
You are not allowed to get in touch with other participants in whatever ways outside the Club, too.

H. -避免攜帶貴重物品參加活動,如有任何遺失損毀,本會恕不負責。
Please avoid bringing any valuables to activities. S&B is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind.

2,要保護S&B,不影響活動運作… (HP 2 - HP10  甚至即時取消資格 )
     Protect S&B to ensure smooth operation ofactivities (Deduct HP 2 - HP 10, or even immediate disqualification)

A. -參加者和參加者之間,不能有金錢或利益關係。另本會和參加者之間,絕對不能涉及任何利益關係,本會只會提供車費津貼和醫療津貼。
No exchange of payment or benefits of any kind is allowed among the participants. Similarly,
the relationship of S&B with its participants does not involve any kind of interest.
S&B only provides transportation and medical allowances.

B. -不應三個或以上同性別的人圍在一起或躲在 一角傾談(有男有女不在此限),兩個人亦不應耳語,以免令人反感,惟和會長或監場人耳語不在此限
  Three (or more) participants of the same sex should not get together to chat in a group exclusively (group comprises of both genders is acceptable).
To avoid dismaying others, whisper between two participants should be prevented too. Restriction does not apply to the private talks to the Chairman or the staff.

C. -活動場地的房間及厠所,不准把門鎖上(大便除外)。如有特別要求,可跟會長或工作人員商議。
No bedroom or bathroom doors at the venue should be locked (unless you are going to poop). You may talk to the Chairman or staff if you have any special request.

D. -請準時出席活動,如有特別情況,請儘早與會長商議或交帶,無通知而失約為重要過失。
Please show up on time. Please inform and discuss with the Chairman in case of unexpected circumstances. Absence without prior notice is aserious fault.

E. -活動的付費,可於活動開始的時間前48小時申請全數退款,24小時前半數退款, 至於能否成功退費,需視乎實際情況而定。
Payment can be fully refunded if it is requested 48 hours prior to the starting time of the activity, and a 50% refund applies to cancellation made 24 hours before hand.
Whether the refund can be made successfully depends on the actual situation.
One is considered as a joining participant if s/he has applied for an activity and has not canceled 48 hours prior to the activity,
even the fee is not yet paid. No matter if s/he attends that particular activity or not in the end, s/he must settle the outstanding amount before s/he can join any future activity.

HP達50或以上的扣HP1,HP在49或以下的記缺點1個(累積4個缺點變成扣 HP1)。重覆犯同樣錯誤者,處分以幾何級數遞增。

- Participants who leave their  belonging in the venue and cannot take it back before the activity ends will be penalised
according to their HP value and past record (unless the participant gives up the item(s)).
Participants with HP 50 or above: deduct HP 1
Participants with HP 49 or below: 1 demerit point (4 demerit point = -HP1)
Penalty level will increase exponentially for repeated occurrences.

3.要尊重別人,維持活動氣氛和諧…  (扣 4 至 20 分,甚至即時取消資格)
            Respect and be peaceful with each other (deduct HP4 - HP 20, or even immediate disqualification)
A. -不能在活動中說話句子中習慣性夾雜著性器官的粗言穢語
  Offensive and vulgar words related to sex organs should not be used habitually in conversations in the activities.
B. -手帶的意義活動設有顏色手帶可供使用
  The meaning of wristbands: wristbands of different colors are available in the activities -

戴上 綠色手帶,表示該人士只接受單對單的玩樂方式;
Green participants wearing green wristband accept one on one sex ONLY

戴上 手帶,表示暫不接受參加者的觸踫,戴紅色手帶人士,亦不應肆意觸摸其他參加者,直把手帶脫下為止。
Red participants wearing red wristband do not accept any physical contact with any participant.  
The one who is wearing the red wristband should not touch others too, until s/he has taken off the wristband.

Orange participants wearing orange wristband accept general physical contact but not touch on the vagina.

C. 手帶只能由戴手帶者本人親自除下,其他人不能為其代勞。
The wristband can only be taken off by the person who is wearing it. No one else can take it off for that person.

D. -任何人可以對任何人(包括會長)的親近和觸踫說【No】這是參加者發出的最高警戒,要立即停止所有動作,
-   Everyone has the right to say “NO” to anyone (including the Chairman) to halt his or her advance or any kind of physical contact.
    "No" is the ultimate warning and it is used to stop the scene outright; violators maybe held criminally liable.
     Please contact the Chairman or the staff immediately if someone refuses to comply.

E. -對於想進行如肛交、口爆、體外射精、顏面射、SM…等較特殊的性要求時,
-   You must have your partner's consent before carrying out special or a typical sexual practices, such as anal sex,
oral or facial cum shot, pullout ejaculation, BDSM etc. Otherwise you may be expelled from that party or even from the Club.

F. -21歲以下的男女人士,禁止進行肛門插入的活
根據香港 《刑事罪行條例》 118D條,任何男子與年齡在21歲以下的男或女作出肛交,即屬犯罪,一經循公訴程序定罪,可處終身監禁。
Participants under the age of 21 are prohibited from partaking anal penetration of any kind by any objects.
According to Hong Kong's Crimes Ordinance Section 118D, a man who commits buggery with a boy or girl under the age of 21 shall be guilty of
an offence and shall be liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for life.

G. -男女任何一方也不得過份癡纏,應給予機會其他參予人士;另一方面,男士完事後不應自顧自離開,要有照顧女士的風度。
- Both male and female participants should not hold each other for too long, like staying exclusively for the whole night.
Please give opportunity to other participants.  Moreover, gentlemen etiquette is encouraged that men should take care of the ladies after having sex.

H. -親吻不可以用力過大而留下吻痕,不准咬抓對方, 使對方身體上留印甚至受傷。
- Be aware of the intensity of your action. Please do not bite or claw to leave any marks on others' bodies, or even cause physical injuries.

4,活動零壓力,不惹人越界… (扣 2 至 10 分)
No stress to others, or tempting others to transgress the bounds of the Club (deduct HP5 - HP10)

A. -不能致送給個人使用的禮物,包括信件、心意咭類、食物(給大家一起共享的除外),如有特別情況,請先跟會長商議
-  Gifting to a particular participant is not allowed, e.g. letters,greeting cards, food (except food for sharing in the party).
Please discuss with the Chairman in case of special situation.
B. -不能以有名份的字眼相稱,例如:[老公、老婆情人、愛人女友、男友情婦,情夫]….. 之類。
- Do not refer each other by statuses related to love relationships, such as "husband/hubby", "wife/wifey", "lover","boyfriend", "girlfriend", "mistress" etc.
C. -不能要求或暗示別人致送禮物,給大家分享的不在此限,惟應先和會長或副會長通報一下,以免浪費食物。
- Asking (either explicitly or implicitly) others for gifts is not allowed, unless it is shared with everyone else.
Nonetheless, one should inform the Chairman or vice Chairman first to avoid wasting food.

D. -Couple參加者,各自不能左右對方自由選擇玩樂對象的權利,如發現有這情況出現,請重新思考兩人一起參加的目的,是想對方快樂還是想自己快樂。
- "Couple"participant cannot obstruct the freedom to have fun and choices of sex partnersof his or her spouse.
If such thing happens, please consider again why both of you are joining the party together -- do you want your spouse to be happy, or are you pursuing your own happiness only?

5,要活動衛生和安全… (扣 HP4 至 HP40 分,甚至即時取消資格)
           Hygiene and safety (deduct HP10 - HP 40, or even immediate disqualification)

A. -活動全面禁煙:參加者在活動前至少 12  小時,不要吸煙,於活動期間,任何情況地點,也不能抽煙,直至離開活動;
-   NO Smoking: participants should stop smoking at least 12 hours before the activity starts.
Smoking is completely banned in the activities. (Ideally, quit smoking.)

B. -活動中不論是性行為、使用性玩具、手指插入陰道/肛門(在外陰或陰核撫摸也鼓勵使用),也必須套上避孕套,以保障衛生及各參加者健康,
- Using condoms is mandatory during intercourse, use of sex toys, vaginal or anal fingering (it is also advised to use condom for fingering on vulva orclitoris),
in order to protect every participant's health as well as to avoid injury of the female participants.
S&B does not acceptany complaint of injury if one allows vaginal or anal fingering without a condom.

C. 嚴格執行,突擊檢查參加者有否使用避孕套。女士亦應多加留意男士進入和退出的情況。
The use of condoms is strictly enforced and spot-checked. Female participants should also watch out during penetration as well as withdrawal of the men.

D. -避孕套用後及其包裝不要隨處亂放,同一個套,不准進入不同的人或不同的身體部分,注意清潔安全意識。
Please dispose the used
condom and its package properly and discreetly. Never use the same condom on different persons or different body parts.
Hygiene and safe sex awareness are essential.

E. -
Male participants should withdraw immediately after ejaculation, check if the condom is intact and show it to the female participants; then put it in the trash can.
If a condom breaks orfalls off and remains inside the partner, please stop and pull out at once, and inform your partner as well as the Chair to follow up instantly.
(No HP will be deducted in case of unintentional accidents; however, one will be severely punished for not reporting.)


-All Hepatitis B carriers (they are indicated with a “B” after their grades, teams,and blood test dates in their profiles)
should not have any body contact with participants who do not possess Hep B antibodies.
Besides taking an initiative to declare his/her carrier’s status, s/he is obliged to enquire whether the partners are immune against Hep B.  
Unawareness is not an excuse, and one should pay extra attention when calling or joining a groupsex.  
Non-carriers should be aware if they themselves possess antibodies, otherwise they are regarded as having no immunity.

G. 如口腔有損傷,例如當日剛洗牙、生痱滋,活動開始前通知會長或監場,並應停止口交,直至複原為止,以免受到感染。


2.所有活動皆有其危險性,Safe Sex Party亦然,Swing and Bang Club 已儘力提高活動的安全性,惟大家應各自承擔有關的玩樂風險。
1.     All payments are non-refundable for participants who have been disqualified due to the infringement of S&B rules.
2.     All physical activities involve risks,so does Safe Sex Party. Swing and Bang Club has optimized the safety of activities, yet participants should also take their own risks.


Reminder: Please feel free to ask the Chairman or party staff immediately if you have any question or need help during the activities.

和副會長James 作最後決定,不得異議》
< In case of dispute, the decision of Chris or James, the Chairman of S&B, shall be final and conclusive>

This notice has been translated into English. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the Chinese version and the English version,the Chinese version shall prevail.

Author: Chris    Time: 26-1-2015 04:17

-所有乙肝帶菌者(於血檢限期和級別後有 "B"字的表示為乙肝帶菌者)


-All Hepatitis B carriers (they are indicated with a “B” after their grades, teams, and blood test dates in their profiles) should not have any body contact with participants who do not possess Hep B antibodies. Besides taking an initiative to declare his/her carrier’s status, s/he is obliged to enquire whether the partners are immune against Hep B.  Unawareness is not an excuse, and one should pay extra attention when calling or joining a group sex.  Non-carriers should be aware if they themselves possess antibodies, otherwise they would be regarded as having no immunity.
Author: Chris    Time: 4-4-2018 13:23


Welcome to Swing and Bang Club 【 S & B 】 - Safe Sex Club .....[我們都是友善、不甘於生活平凡,敢於面對自己所需的人] (https://swingandbangclub.com/) Powered by Discuz! X3