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Title: Dallas’ First Time @ World Cup/Lamb Pot [Print this page]

Author: Dallas    Time: 13-12-2022 22:59
Title: Dallas’ First Time @ World Cup/Lamb Pot
A bit of a long post, but I hope it adds some value
Getting to the Starting Line

It’s been about three months since I made my introductory post.
In that time, I tried my best to read through every post to truly understand the club members and the club rules.
At first, because I cannot read Chinese, this was very difficult.
I use Safari as my default browser usually,
and for a while I was manually translating every comment
(then I switched to Chrome and it became much easier).

In order to have the best chance of joining,
I had to think of how I could best show I would be a valuable contributing member of the S&B family.
I knew that the administrators were very busy managing the club,
and that I would have to go above and beyond to be noticed.
So, I decided to try to make a lot of meaningful comments to try to engage everyone.
Not as much as Helen, but it felt like a lot to me at the time…
After all, there is no other way for members to get to know interns.
It was hard work, but worth it.

Lastly, I would like to give new applicants a favourite quote of mine.
Abraham Lincoln said “things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.”
The meaning of this quote is that if you wait, something good may happen to you.
But other people are working hard, so you will only get what is leftover from hardworking people.
Basically, if you want to join, work hard. Work harder than you think is necessary,
for longer than you think is necessary. I’m confident that some of you,
through hard work, will make it eventually.

Submitted Application

A couple weeks after I submitted my application,
I checked my email and I received a message from James.
It said that he tried to call me, but it failed. Then I missed a second call from James when I was sleeping.

A few days later, James called again. We discussed my application documents,
and he asked if I wanted to join. Of course, I said yes!

Then I went for the body check a couple days later.
Once the result came back, I was ready to join the party.

World Cup Event

I arrived at the venue and James blindfolded Chester and I.
Inside the venue, I met my mentor, 多多. She took such good care of me. I’ll always be grateful.

After settling down, 多多 took me for a shower.
With a blindfold on it definitely weird, but I could feel my mentor’s beautiful body,
so I wasn’t afraid.

Then we went to the room. James asked me if I wanted to play with my mentor,
so I of course said yes.

多多 and I started with some foreplay and I was loving it.
I really loved feeling her beautiful body and I wanted to treat her well.
She asked if I liked sex rough or slower, I said both

Unfortunately, I couldn’t perform well. I think it’s because the whole situation was very new to me,
and I got a bit flustered. Hopefully we can play again in future, 多多.

Outside it was so nice to meet everyone.
Very cool to see the people behind the names in the forum.
And everyone is so good looking. Very lucky to have the chance to play with such a group!

For the rest of the night, I got to know people more.
And I had a great time. I feel like I have a new (very cool and unique) family.

Solar, great to finally meet you in-person after you were such a help to me in the forum.
And as we were wearing the same jersey, I’m proud to call you my teammate for the night.
Thank you for being my in-person Google Translate for the briefing.

阿喬, thanks for your kind advice about the club. Looking forward to seeing you again!

Helen, great to see the woman behind the coins!

Rio, thanks for the advice before we left.

Chester, glad to have you as a first-time buddy. Looking forward to us both becoming more involved in future.

Rapunzel, how are you so good in board games…
we’ll have to play together in future. I have a lot to learn from you :)

Beckett, Osma, Coco, Puiching, Belle, Coffee, Daryl, Dino, , Madrid, Luigi,
unfortunately we didn’t talk too much. But looking forward to getting to know you all at future events.

And last but not least, thanks to James for organizing and going through the efforts with my application.
Hopefully I can be some help to you with future events.

Even writing this post, my heart feels so warm. I can’t wait for many more fun times to come with you all.

Until then!

Author: Solar    Time: 13-12-2022 23:36
A big welcome to you again. I was happy to meet with you in person too. I really appreciate you have spent a lot of effort to understand us and blend into us. I hope the night was a good start for you. Enjoy the ride!
Author: Helen    Time: 14-12-2022 01:01
Congrats Dallas!!!Yes I am the lady behind the coins
Lucky you found the easy way to translate,
but isn’t easy with Cantonese wordings.I heard a lot ppl appreciate what you did and
believe that you would find your way to get close with us

Author: Hershel    Time: 14-12-2022 01:27
Congrat Dallas. I like your Lincoln quote. It could apply to every matter in life. Opportunities only reserve for the ones who re willing to take the move. Anyway, do enjoy reading your share of first experience.
Author: Rapunzel    Time: 14-12-2022 03:35
Nice to meet you and welcome to the club! What a gentleman! As a newcomer, you were incredibly calm, polite and proactive, I believe that you have successfully left a very good first impression to us! Your effort before your application definitely pays off. Wish you a great journey ahead in S&B! Btw I am only good at Rummikub, can't you see how confused I was when we played the first game "得寶"

Author: joe    Time: 14-12-2022 06:51
Dallas, thanks for sharing and giving us lots of hopes!
Author: chester    Time: 14-12-2022 08:41
Very pleasant to meet you too bro, I am glad that you are my first time buddy too, someone to share the first time "spotlight" lol
Hope that we will both enjoy and get more involved in the future activities.
Until next time man.
Author: gentle    Time: 14-12-2022 11:06

Congrats Dallas! Thanks so much for your wonderful sharing!
Your experience is so encouraging. People, especially those who have their plan to join S&B family, should learn a lot from your sharing.
Hope that we have chance to meet one day =)

Author: Nixon    Time: 14-12-2022 14:26
Happy for you Dallas! You made it!!! While I am conducting my research, I am also noticing your devotion from your messages and sharing. Yes, time will wait for nobody and it is about time for me to make a move too.

I believe you must have been fully prepared yourself mentally and physically, however you are not satisfied with the performance. It is a bit of a shock to me. Is there anything you will do differently? May I have your advise?

Author: Dallas    Time: 14-12-2022 19:17
Hershel replied at 14-12-2022 01:27
Congrat Dallas. I like your Lincoln quote. It could apply to every matter in life. Opportunities onl ...

Thanks, Herschel. Best of luck to you!

Author: Dallas    Time: 14-12-2022 19:21
Nixon replied at 14-12-2022 14:26
Happy for you Dallas! You made it!!! While I am conducting my research, I am also noticing your devo ...

Hey Nixon.
Not sure if I would do anything differently.

For a while, I thought about ways I could stand out from other applicants (for example, for one job in the past I sent a video introduction of myself), but with this club the most important thing is to be active in the forum and leave meaningful comments. Also, I wouldn't stress about joining ASAP. Just try to add as much as you can to the conversation and try to learn more about yourself at the same time, so that it's an enjoyable experience no matter what happens.

Best of luck to you!

Author: Dallas    Time: 14-12-2022 19:22
gentle replied at 14-12-2022 11:06
Congrats Dallas! Thanks so much for your wonderful sharing!
Your experience is so encouraging. Peo ...

Thanks gentle. Best of luck to you!

Author: Dallas    Time: 14-12-2022 19:22
joe replied at 14-12-2022 06:51
Dallas, thanks for sharing and giving us lots of hopes!

Thanks Joe. Best of luck to you!

Author: Dallas    Time: 14-12-2022 19:29
Rapunzel replied at 14-12-2022 03:35
Nice to meet you and welcome to the club! What a gentleman! As a newcomer, you were incredi ...

I'm glad I appeared calm - a part of me was very nervous Looking forward to seeing you when I see you

Author: Dallas    Time: 14-12-2022 19:35
chester replied at 14-12-2022 08:41
Very pleasant to meet you too bro, I am glad that you are my first time buddy too, someone to share  ...

Yes, I definitely think it helped me knowing we were both in the spotlight!

Until next time

Author: Dallas    Time: 14-12-2022 19:36
Helen replied at 14-12-2022 01:01
Congrats Dallas!!!Yes I am the lady behind the coins
Lucky you found the easy way to translate,

Thanks, Helen! Looking forward to getting closer with you all

Author: Dallas    Time: 14-12-2022 19:39
Solar replied at 13-12-2022 23:36
A big welcome to you again. I was happy to meet with you in person too. I really appreciate you have ...

Night was a great start! Looking forward to blending in more in future.
See you when I see you :)

Author: 多多    Time: 15-12-2022 07:24
Looking forward to see you again in future, you will find more than slow and rough sex here.
Lots of new things are waiting for you to explore, have fun and enjoy~~

Author: Boudica    Time: 15-12-2022 18:20
Welcome to the family! Hope I could see you soon

Author: Dallas    Time: 15-12-2022 19:25
Boudica replied at 15-12-2022 18:20
Welcome to the family! Hope I could see you soon

Thanks Boudica!
Hope I see you soon too

Author: joe    Time: 16-12-2022 07:32
Wow, there's really so much good stuff more than one expected from this club.

It is the magnetic and friendly characters who positively supporting each other that make this a beautiful place..

More POWER to S and B !
Author: Dallas    Time: 16-12-2022 19:01
joe replied at 16-12-2022 07:32
Wow, there's really so much good stuff more than one expected from this club.

It is the magnetic an ...

Yes, it's really a great club filled with great people. Hope you can experience it one day.

Author: Virgo    Time: 16-12-2022 19:35
Congratulations. I can feel the efforts you've put in and the obstacles you overcame, and you got a nice start you deserve. Great to see you had a great night.

And indeed 多多 is a sweet, caring mentor.

Maybe we'll meet in one of the parties and maybe we can exchange our stories.
Author: Dallas    Time: 16-12-2022 23:50
Virgo replied at 16-12-2022 19:35
Congratulations. I can feel the efforts you've put in and the obstacles you overcame, and you got a  ...

Thanks, Virgo! It's great to be part of the family.
And I'm looking forward to meeting you in a party

Author: 阿喬    Time: 18-12-2022 01:45
Welcome to the club.

Look forward to hear from you after you have the next and next next activities
Ensure you will have another new experience to meeting more and more member.
Author: Dallas    Time: 19-12-2022 02:43
阿喬 replied at 18-12-2022 01:45
Welcome to the club.

Look forward to hear from you after you have the next and next next activities ...

Thank you!!

Looking forward to new experiences and meeting new members. Hopefully see you again soon

Author: Brian    Time: 17-1-2023 13:31
Great that you got to join!

Welcome to Swing and Bang Club 【 S & B 】 - Safe Sex Club .....[我們都是友善、不甘於生活平凡,敢於面對自己所需的人] (https://swingandbangclub.com/) Powered by Discuz! X3